Monday, July 31, 2006

Size DOES Matter!!!

Well, who said "Size doesn't matter"? It sure does when you are knitting socks (or anything else that you would like to actually fit the recipient).

My friend, Gail (the Knitting Goddess), did measure her husband's feet and 11 inches was the magic number. I was glad to hear that since that meant I didn't have to rip out the toes and knit them longer.

We finally got to see Gail & Mel over the past weekend. Mel tried on the socks right away and................

THEY FIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

5 EW Knitterly picture :-(

Well...there are five of us who live in the same town and have a monthly knit-together. Emily, Marcia, Muriel, Pat, and me (Sari). We go from home to home among us, and tonight was Muriel's turn. It was such a lovely evening and we sat outside with iced tea and fruit to see us through.

I wish I could show you who these good friends are, but I got a resounding "NO" when I asked if I could take a picture....maybe next month.

I spent the first 25 minutes of our evening dumping out the contents of my knitting bag to find a very elusive size 1 dpn (found it, but it wasn't easy). There were 8 size 2's, 4 size 3's, 2 crochet hooks, a plethora of left over yarn bits.....and lots of shredded tissues. I think it is time for a full cleanout and restocking.

Very short post tonight...must get to sleep. More to come!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Knit Night Out...

I really look forward to "Knit Night Out"... a group of us get together once a month in a local Starbucks to knit, gab, and consume caffeine. Left to right in the photo above are: Ruth, Sari (that's me), Thyra, Susan, Carolyn, and Emily. Here's what we are working to come when I remember to take them.

Ruth: a knitted blanket for her new sofa. 100 squares of different pattern stitches (all to be individually blocked). This is a project for "super-woman"...well suited for Ruth!

Me: socks for my Hubby (yes, still going). More socks on the horizon...

Thyra: a gorgeous lace scarf out of cashmere that is as light as air.

Susan: a charity afghan, and lacy socks.

Carolyn: returning to crocheting after many years has us stumped on a work that had been in progress when she stopped. ALL of us are trying to figure out the pattern...and we are picking out a NEW project for Carolyn if we fail at that.

Emily: in the process of picking out a new project. Not sure yet, but it will be something wonderful.

We are the Goddesses of Knitting!!! ...and we rock.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Laundry and Sock...gotta love this day!

I love doing laundry!

If you know me at all you understand that, for me, doing laundry is like therapy. On a nice day like today I hang stuff on the line...just for the smell of it. When I am folding is when I have time to get my thoughts in order.

HEY...that's just like when I knit! So, if I combine doing laundry with knitting - WHAM - my idea of a great time (I see some of you whispering - poor thing - she must not get out much. Not true, I do get out. I just love laundry and knitting).

So TODAY was a great day. I did laundry, knitted some on Hubby's socks (remember...I am on size 1 dpns...this will take awhile), and enjoyed the sunshine in my backyard.

How was YOUR day?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

On to the next thing....

Well, I still haven't heard from Gail, but finished Mel's socks at 11 inches for the foot length. Hope they fit!

On to making the next pair of socks for my husband (who was eyeing Mel's socks so I have to make him a pair). For these, I am using Trekking XXL yarn on size 1 dp needles so I will be knitting these socks for a V E R Y L O N G time :-)

In addition to hubby's socks, I will be trying my best over the upcoming months to finish a neglected WIP. It is an aran blanket for my niece - who has been patiently waiting (like she has a choice?) for about 3 years for it.

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Thank You" - who needs a card when you can knit socks?

These are a pair of "Thank You" socks for my friend Mel. Mel was very (VERY) patient and answered every single one of the bazillion questions my husband and I asked when we were going through the process of buying a new computer...and when we were tearing our hair out because the computer had major issues that were only resolved after much jumping up and down with the manufacturer. Mel was there through it all..........and for that, he gets socks!

Now, you must know that Mel's wife Gail is a knitting Goddess. She can whip up the most complicated lace shawl
in no time at all, and I get a headache from looking at charts for lace knitting.

Gail and I can talk knitting for hours on end (and we do) but we find ourselves making very different garments. While she can churn out complicated cables and lace that makes your head spin...I am happy as a clam knitting away at simple sweaters (although I can cable), hats, scarves and, of course, socks.

Mel doesn't know I am making these socks for him, but Gail does. As you can see, I have finished the first sock and am well on the way with the second. The first one measures 11 inches from heel to that big enough??? I'm hoping, but not sure.

SOOOOOOOooooooooo...tonight Gail is going to measure Mel's feet while he is sleeping and email me the answer. Sleep tight Mel (please let 11 inches be right).

Stay tuned for the answer!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy July 4th! First Blog post happening NOW... I started this because so many of my friends have Blogs for themselves and I thought it might be a good thing for me to do.

Like the name says, I knit a bit. I like to think of myself as a "meat and potatoes" knitter...nothing too fancy, but I can do all the basic stuff as well as cables, not-too-complicated lace, and can follow most patterns (although charts give me a headache). I have not even thought about multi-color knitting except for horizontal stripes.

I am a "thrower"...which means I knit slower than those of you who can do the "continental". Oh well, I have been knitting this way for over 40 years and I don't think I could change now if I tried. My stuff looks good so I'm okay with the process.

Right now I'm knitting socks...plain, basic, ribbed cuff socks. Like meditating. Comfortable and peaceful.

Happy July 4th!!!