Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Brand New Feet for Gail...

It has been SOOOOooooo long since I last posted and many things have happened in the knitterly world. My friend Gail keeps looking at my blog to see when I would update it.....and I apologize to her for taking so damn long!!! So, Gail...these new feet are for you!!!

These new blue feet (my feet) just came off the needles. They are the "Curvy Lace Socks" pattern from Creative Knitting (March2005 issue, pg.37) and are done with DALE "Baby Ull" yarn. This is my second pair of socks from this pattern...and I made the leg part one repeat longer this time.

Seems like I have been into socks for a very long time now. I have other pairs on the needles...but won't start any more once they are done. I think I will mosey over to making a sweater as a next big project, but need to peruse some patterns first.

I made a great pair of worsted weight socks for my 8 year old nephew Zaki...RED, just like he asked for. When they were done I mailed them to him and he NEVER GOT THEM :-(
This is very disappointing both for me and for him. Now I am making the second pair and will be sure to hand-deliver them...oops, I mean feet-deliver :-)

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I just made the stuffing and need to straighten up the house. There will be three of, my husband Peter, and my Stepdad Sy. I miss my Mom every single day, but even more so on Thanksgiving as it was her favorite holiday. We would all go down to her house in New Jersey and stay the weekend. Now she is with us in our hearts and my Stepdad comes to me for the weekend. My sister doesn't "do" Thanksgiving so she won't be there...and my father lives out in Idaho so he will not be here either.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband...I am thankful for my family and my friends...and I wish you all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!