Thursday, September 14, 2006

Whew...busy coupl'a weeks!

Well, it's been more hectic than normal around here (But then, as a friend of mine always reminds me..."Normal? Normal is nothing more than a setting on a washing machine!").

As you can see, Hubby's socks are done and on his feet (YAY)!!! It turned out that I didn't need the second ball of Trekking XXL yarn and it has been exchanged for a different color...for his next pair, but he will have to wait awhile :-)

We were away over the Labor Day Weekend to visit the ChaCha Boyz up in Massachusetts (who will require a separate post all their own at some point). A short while before then we found out that our friends from Ireland were coming to stay for a week...arriving on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend...and we would not be home!!! Dashing around like lunatics, we managed to clean the house, prepare guest room, arrange for the key, arrange airport transport, get food into the fridge, tell all our neighbors about impending guests, pack our own stuff and get to our own destination....all without incident!!! When we got back to our home on Tuesday we found our guests relaxed and ready for a whirlwind shopping experience. Thanks to them, the American economy remains afloat for another year :-)

Over the weekend and in-between shopping, I am almost done with a cool pair of "Curvy Lace Socks". SEE?????? Aren't they pretty???

Yikes! I have to post this and then get myself over to the library.

More later...(promise)