Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hanging in there...

Well, no pictures with this post...just thought it might be a good idea to let you know what's going on. Peter and I were in Virginia Beach over the past couple of weeks and had a great time...got home and then our stove broke. Since it was 24 years old we will soon be the owner of a brand spanking new BEE-YOO-TEE-FULL electric "stove-of-color" (it's black) with a ceramic cooktop and a gigantic self-cleaning oven!!! Big smiles over here............

On the knitting front, the purple socks are done and another blue pair on the needles. Pictures to come, I promise.

We are preparing for our annual visit from Peter's Mom and her boyfriend so time is tick-tocking away here. Keep tuned...I will post when I can.